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log: Stream live system logs.
$ log stream
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The "log stream" command is used to view the real-time logs generated by different processes running on a Unix-based operating system like macOS, Linux, or iOS. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "log" refers to the logging system in these operating systems, which captures records of various events and activities happening within the system.
  • "stream" means that the logs are displayed in a continuous and live manner, as they are being generated.

When you execute the "log stream" command in the terminal or command prompt, it opens a live stream of logs, displaying them in real-time. This can be helpful for monitoring system activities, debugging issues, or tracking specific events occurring on your device.

By default, this command shows logs from various system components and processes. However, you can also filter the logs by specifying certain conditions like a specific process name, log level, or log category.

Overall, "log stream" is a useful command for real-time monitoring of logs on Unix-based operating systems.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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