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login: Log in as a user on a remote host.
$ login -h ${host} ${user}
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The command "login -h ${host} ${user}" is used to initiate a login session on a remote host (specified by the variable ${host}) with a specific user (specified by the variable ${user}).

Here's how the command works:

  1. The "login" command is used to start a new login session.
  2. The "-h" option specifies the remote host on which the login session should be initiated.
    • ${host} is a placeholder variable that should be replaced with the actual hostname or IP address of the remote host.
  3. The ${user} variable is used to specify the user account with which the login session should be established.
    • ${user} is a placeholder variable that should be replaced with the actual username for the remote host.

By executing this command with the appropriate values for ${host} and ${user}, a user can log in to a remote host and start a new session on that machine.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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