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logstash: Run Logstash with the most basic inline configuration string.
$ sudo logstash -e 'input {} filter {} output {}'
try on your machine

The command sudo logstash -e 'input {} filter {} output {}' is used to execute the Logstash tool with a specific configuration provided through the -e flag.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • sudo: This command is used in Unix-like operating systems to run a command with administrative (superuser) privileges. It is used here to run Logstash with elevated permissions.

  • logstash: This is the command to execute the Logstash tool. Logstash is an open-source data processing pipeline that allows you to collect, transform, and send data from various sources to various destinations.

  • -e: This flag is used to specify the Logstash configuration inline, without requiring a separate configuration file. It allows you to define the input, filter, and output configurations directly in the command.

  • 'input {} filter {} output {}': This is the inline Logstash configuration defined within single quotes ('). Inside the quotes, you can define the input, filter, and output configurations using the Logstash configuration syntax.

The input {}, filter {}, and output {} sections are placeholders for the actual configuration details. You need to replace them with the desired configurations for your specific use case.

For example, you can define an input configuration to read data from a file, a filter configuration to modify or enrich the data, and an output configuration to send the processed data to a specific destination (such as Elasticsearch, a file, or a remote server).

Overall, the sudo logstash -e 'input {} filter {} output {}' command allows you to run Logstash with an inline configuration, providing flexibility and ease of use for smaller or temporary setups.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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