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lpinfo: List all the currently connected printers.
$ lpinfo -v
try on your machine

The command "lpinfo -v" is used to list available printer devices and their respective URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), which essentially provide the interface and location details of printers that can be accessed by the Linux printing system.

In more detail:

  • "lpinfo" is a command-line tool used to query the system's print service to retrieve information about printers and their capabilities.
  • "-v" is an option used with "lpinfo" to specifically request the list of printer devices and their URIs.

When executed, this command will display a list of printer devices on your system along with their URIs. URIs typically consist of a protocol (e.g., "http://", "usb://", "ipp://") followed by the printer's connection details. These URIs help identify the location or method of access to a specific printer, enabling the printing system to communicate with it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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