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lrztar: Archive a directory with `tar`, then compress.
$ lrztar ${path-to-directory}
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The command "lrztar ${path-to-directory}" is used to create a compressed archive of a specific directory using the lrzip compression algorithm. Here's an explanation of the components of the command:

  • "lrztar": This is the command itself, which is a combination of "lrz" (referring to the lrzip utility) and "tar" (referring to the tar utility). It combines the functionalities of both tools to create a compressed archive.
  • "${path-to-directory}": This is a placeholder that represents the path to the directory that you want to compress. You need to replace "${path-to-directory}" with the actual path to the directory on your system that you want to archive.

In summary, running "lrztar ${path-to-directory}" will use lrzip and tar to create a compressed archive of the specified directory.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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