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lsd: Only list directories.
$ lsd -d ${*-}
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The command "lsd" is typically used to list the contents of a directory in a more visually appealing manner compared to the traditional "ls" command.

The "-d" option in this command specifies that only the directory itself should be displayed, rather than its contents.

The "${-}" portion of the command expands to all the command-line arguments passed to it. The "$" variable represents all the arguments passed to the script or command, and the curly braces and "-" serve to sanitize the argument expansion.

Therefore, the overall command "lsd -d ${*-}" would display only the given directories themselves, without listing their contents, based on the command-line arguments passed to it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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