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lslocks: List locks producing a raw output (no columns), and without column headers.
$ lslocks --raw --noheadings
try on your machine

The lslocks command is used to list information about the files currently locked in a Linux system. Here is the explanation for the given command:

  • lslocks: This is the actual command that you are executing.
  • --raw: This option displays the output of the command in a raw format, without any formatting or headers. This is useful when you want to process the output further, for example, with scripting or parsing.
  • --noheadings: This option removes the column headings from the output. By default, lslocks command shows headers like "TYPE", "PID", "MOUNTPOINT", etc., which indicate the meaning of each column. With --noheadings, these headers will be excluded from the output.

So, when you execute lslocks --raw --noheadings, it will provide a raw and header-less output containing information about the locked files on your Linux system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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