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lslocks: List all local system locks.
$ lslocks
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The "lslocks" command is used to list information about file locks in a Linux operating system. File locks are used to prevent concurrent access to files, especially in multi-user environments where multiple processes or users may try to access the same file simultaneously.

When you run the "lslocks" command, it displays information about the currently held locks on files, including the process ID (PID) of the process holding the lock, the type of lock (read, write, or lease), the lock mode, the number of byte ranges locked, and the lock's status.

Here's an example output of the "lslocks" command:

bash            1000 FLOCK  64B WRITE 0 low          0 /path/to/locked_file
firefox         1222 POSIX  64B WRITE 0 35266        0 /path/to/another_locked_file

In this example, the "lslocks" command displays two locks. The first lock is held by a "bash" process (with PID 1000) using a file lock (FLOCK) with a size of 64 bytes. It is a write lock (WRITE) and covers byte range 0 to 0. The second lock is held by a "firefox" process (with PID 1222) using a POSIX file lock with similar details.

The "lslocks" command is useful for checking which processes have locked files, identifying potential lock conflicts, and troubleshooting issues related to file access in a Linux system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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