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lslocks: List locks with defined column headers.
$ lslocks --output ${PID},${COMMAND},${PATH}
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The command "lslocks" is used to list all file locks in a Linux system. The --output option is used to specify the format of the output.

In this specific command, lslocks --output ${PID},${COMMAND},${PATH}, the output format is defined as three comma-separated fields: PID (Process ID), COMMAND (the command or process name), and PATH (the path of the file locked by the process).

When executed, this command will display a list of file locks in the system, with each entry consisting of the PID of the process holding the lock, the corresponding command or process name, and the path of the locked file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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