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luajit: Start an interactive Lua shell.
$ luajit
try on your machine

The "luajit" command refers to the Lua Just-In-Time Compiler, also known as LuaJIT. LuaJIT is a high-performance virtual machine for executing Lua scripts. It provides a just-in-time compiler that dynamically compiles Lua bytecode into machine code at runtime, which results in significant performance improvements compared to the traditional Lua interpreter.

When you execute the "luajit" command, it launches the LuaJIT virtual machine and enables you to run Lua scripts. It can be used to execute standalone Lua scripts or to interactively run Lua code from the command line.

Here's an example usage of the "luajit" command:

$ luajit myscript.lua

In the above command, "myscript.lua" is a Lua script file that you want to run using LuaJIT.

LuaJIT provides several command-line options and features that can be used to optimize code, enable debugging, measure performance, and more. Detailed documentation about these options and how to use LuaJIT can be found in the official LuaJIT documentation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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