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lvcreate: Create a logical volume called mylv that uses 60% of the total space in volume group vg1.
$ lvcreate -l ${60%VG} -n ${mylv} ${vg1}
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The command lvcreate is used to create a logical volume in Linux.

Here is the breakdown of the command you provided:

  • lvcreate: This is the command to create a logical volume.
  • -l ${60%VG}: The -l option specifies the size of the logical volume. ${60%VG} is used to specify that the logical volume will occupy 60% of the available space in the volume group (VG).
  • -n ${mylv}: The -n option is used to specify the name of the logical volume. ${mylv} is a variable that holds the desired name for the logical volume.
  • ${vg1}: This is a variable that holds the name of the volume group (VG) where the logical volume will be created.

In summary, this command creates a logical volume with a size of 60% of the available space in the provided volume group (${vg1}), and assigns it the name specified in the ${mylv} variable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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