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lvdisplay: Display information about all logical volumes.
$ sudo lvdisplay
try on your machine

The sudo lvdisplay command is used to display information about existing logical volumes (LV) on the system. Logical volumes are portions of a physical volume (disk or RAID array) that have been logically partitioned and allocated to a specific purpose, such as a file system or a swap area. By using the sudo command before lvdisplay, the user is executing the command with administrative privileges, required to access and display information about logical volumes.

The lvdisplay command provides detailed information about LVs, including their name, size, path, major and minor numbers, allocation policies, type (linear or snapshot), and current status. It can be handy for checking the configuration and health of logical volumes on the system, verifying their paths, capacity, or potential issues.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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