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lvm: Display information about physical volumes.
$ sudo lvm pvdisplay
try on your machine

The command "sudo lvm pvdisplay" is used to display information about physical volumes (PVs) in a Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) setup.

In LVM, a physical volume refers to a storage device or partition that is used as a building block for creating logical volumes (LVs). The "pvdisplay" command provides various details about these physical volumes, including:

  1. PV Name: This shows the name or identifier of the physical volume.
  2. VG Name: It displays the volume group (VG) name to which the physical volume belongs.
  3. PV Size: This indicates the total size of the physical volume.
  4. Allocatable: It shows whether the physical volume has free space available for creating new logical volumes.
  5. PE Size: This displays the size of each physical extent (PE) in the physical volume.
  6. Total PE: It indicates the total number of physical extents in the physical volume.
  7. Free PE: This shows the number of free physical extents available in the physical volume.
  8. UUID: It displays the universally unique identifier (UUID) assigned to the physical volume.

By running the "sudo lvm pvdisplay" command with administrative privileges (using "sudo"), you can view all these details for the physical volumes in your LVM configuration.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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