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lvs: Display all logical volumes.
$ lvs -a
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The command "lvs -a" is used to display detailed information about all logical volumes in a system.

Here's a breakdown of the various components of the command:

  • "lvs": This is the main command which stands for "Logical Volume Scan". It is used to view information about logical volumes, which are the virtual disks or partitions in a Linux environment.

  • "-a": This is an option or flag that stands for "all". By including this flag, the command displays detailed information about all logical volumes present in the system, including those that are currently inactive.

Overall, the "lvs -a" command provides a comprehensive overview of logical volumes, including their sizes, major and minor numbers, UUIDs, and various other properties. This information can be useful for managing and troubleshooting storage devices within a Linux system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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