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m: Enable Dock's auto hide feature.
$ m dock autohide YES
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The command "m dock autohide YES" is used to enable the autohide feature for the dock on a computer running macOS.

In macOS, the dock is a graphical user interface element located at the bottom or side of the screen that provides quick access to commonly used applications and files. The autohide feature allows the dock to automatically hide when it's not in use, providing more space on the screen.

By running the command "m dock autohide YES," you are instructing the system to enable the autohide feature for the dock. This means that the dock will be hidden when you're not actively using it and will reappear when you move your mouse cursor to the area where the dock is located.

To disable the autohide feature and keep the dock visible at all times, you can use the command "m dock autohide NO" instead.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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