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m4: Process macros in a file.
$ m4 ${filename}
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The command "m4 ${filename}" is used to execute the m4 macro processor on a file specified by the variable "filename".

  • The "$" symbol is used to access the value of a variable in shell scripting. In this case, "${filename}" refers to the value of the "filename" variable.
  • The "m4" command is a macro processor commonly used to preprocess text files. It processes input files containing macros and replaces them with their predefined values, providing a convenient way to generate or modify text files automatically.
  • By running the "m4" command with the specified file, the macro processor will process the contents of the file and produce the output based on the defined macros.

Note: The effectiveness of this command depends on whether the "filename" variable has been assigned a valid file path.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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