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magento: Update the database after enabling modules.
$ magento setup:upgrade
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The command "magento setup:upgrade" is a command used in the Magento platform for upgrading the modules and executing database schema and data changes.

When you run this command, Magento compares the version of the code with the version installed in the database. If there is an updated version available, it installs the new modules, upgrades the database schema and data, and updates the code.

This command is typically used after you have installed or updated a module in Magento. By running "magento setup:upgrade", you ensure that any required database changes are made and the module is properly installed and configured.

In summary, "magento setup:upgrade" is a command used for upgrading modules and executing necessary database changes in the Magento platform.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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