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magento: Enable maintenance mode.
$ magento maintenance:enable
try on your machine

The command "magento maintenance:enable" is a command used in the Magento platform.

When executed, this command puts the Magento store into maintenance mode. Maintenance mode is a state in which the website is temporarily unavailable to visitors while essential maintenance or updates are being performed. This is done to ensure the stability and smooth functioning of the website during the maintenance process.

Enabling maintenance mode is useful when making significant changes to the website, such as updating the system, installing extensions, or applying patches. By putting the website into maintenance mode, administrators can avoid potential issues or conflicts that may arise if visitors access the site during the maintenance process.

Once maintenance mode is enabled, visitors who attempt to access the website will see a default maintenance page or a custom maintenance page if one has been set up. This page informs users that the website is currently under maintenance and that they should check back later. Administrators can customize this page with specific instructions or a branded design to match the website's aesthetics.

To disable maintenance mode and allow visitors to access the website again, the command "magento maintenance:disable" is used.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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