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make: Call the first target specified in the Makefile (usually named "all").
$ make
try on your machine

The "make" command is a build automation tool commonly used in software development. It is used to compile and build a program or a set of programs based on instructions specified in a Makefile.

A Makefile is a text file that defines a set of rules and dependencies for building a program. It typically contains a list of source code files, compiler and linker options, and other instructions required to compile and link the program.

When the "make" command is executed, it reads the Makefile and determines which files need to be recompiled based on their dependencies and modification timestamps. It then invokes the necessary compiler and linker commands to build the program.

The "make" command is designed to only recompile the files that have changed or are affected by the changes, saving compilation time. It ensures that the correct build order is maintained by following the specified dependencies in the Makefile.

Overall, the "make" command is used to automate the build process and simplify the compilation and linking of programs, especially in projects with multiple source files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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