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make: Call a specific target.
$ make ${target}
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The command "make ${target}" is used in the context of a makefile.

In general, the "make" command is used to execute a set of instructions defined in a makefile. It automates the process of compiling and building a project by determining which source code files have changed and need to be recompiled.

In the specific command "make ${target}", "${target}" is a variable that represents the desired target or goal specified by the user. Targets in a makefile are defined as specific tasks or actions that need to be performed. They may include compiling source code files, linking object files, running tests, generating documentation, etc.

By running the command "make ${target}", the make utility will search the makefile for a rule that corresponds to the target specified by "${target}". This rule defines the set of instructions to be executed in order to accomplish that target. The make utility then executes those instructions and completes the desired task.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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