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make: Use a specific Makefile.
$ make --file ${filename}
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The command "make --file ${filename}" is used to execute the "make" utility with a specific makefile specified by the "filename" variable.

Make is a build automation tool that is typically used to compile and build software projects. It reads instructions from a makefile, which contains rules for compiling and linking source code files to generate target binaries.

In the given command, "--file" is an option that specifies the makefile to be used. The value of the "filename" variable is passed as an argument to the "--file" option. The "${filename}" syntax is typically used in shell scripting to reference the value of a variable.

So, when you execute "make --file ${filename}", the "make" utility will use the makefile specified by the "filename" variable to build the project according to the rules defined in the makefile.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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