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makepasswd: Generate a random password (8 to 10 characters long, containing letters and numbers).
$ makepasswd
try on your machine

The "makepasswd" command is a utility command used to generate passwords or random strings of characters in Linux and Unix operating systems.

This command allows users to create strong, unpredictable passwords, which are typically used for authentication or encryption purposes.

When executed, "makepasswd" prompts the user for several parameters, such as the length of the password, the combination of characters to include (e.g., upper case, lower case, numbers, symbols), and the number of passwords to generate. It then generates the desired number of passwords based on the specified criteria and displays them on the screen.

The "makepasswd" command is useful for creating secure passwords that are resistant to brute-force attacks and provide a higher level of protection for user accounts and data.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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