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mamba: Remove unused [p]ackages and [t]arballs from the cache.
$ mamba clean -pt
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The command "mamba clean -pt" is used in the Mamba package manager. It serves to clean up a conda-based environment by removing unnecessary files and packages.

Here's what each part of the command means:

  • "mamba" refers to the mamba package manager, a faster drop-in replacement for conda.
  • "clean" is the command to remove unnecessary files and packages. It is used to free up space and tidy up the environment.
  • "-pt" are optional flags that modify the behavior of the clean command.

The "-p" flag specifies the target environment or installation prefix. If no environment is specified, the command will be applied to the active environment or the base environment. You can usually provide a path to a specific conda environment, for example, "mamba clean -p /path/to/my/environment".

The "-t" flag stands for "tarballs" and specifies that the command will also remove downloaded package tarballs in the cache. This can help free up additional space by removing unnecessary files.

Overall, "mamba clean -pt" is a command to clean up a conda environment by removing unnecessary files and packages, including downloaded package tarballs.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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