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mamba: Install packages into the current environment, specifying the package [c]hannel.
$ mamba install -c ${conda-forge} ${python=3-6 numpy}
try on your machine

This command is used to install the numpy package in Python version 3.6 using the package manager called Mamba, with the channel set to conda-forge.

Let's break down the command:

  • mamba is the package manager used to install packages. It is an alternative to conda but is considered faster and more efficient.

  • install is the command to install packages.

  • -c specifies the channel from which packages should be retrieved. In this case, the channel is set to conda-forge. Conda-forge is a community-driven collection of packages that are compatible with Conda and Mamba.

  • ${conda-forge} is a variable that holds the value "conda-forge". In some command line interfaces, variables can be defined and referenced using the "${variable_name}" syntax.

  • ${python=3.6} is another variable that specifies the Python version to be used. In this case, it sets the version to 3.6.

  • numpy is the name of the package that is being installed.

Combining it all together, the command instructs Mamba to install the numpy package from the conda-forge channel, using Python version 3.6.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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