mamba: Create a new environment, installing the specified packages into it.
$ mamba create --name ${environment_name} ${python=3-10 matplotlib}
try on your machine
The command "mamba create --name ${environment_name} ${python=3-10 matplotlib}" creates a new Conda environment with the specified name.
Here's a breakdown of the command:
- "mamba create" is the command used to create a new Conda environment. "mamba" is an alternative, faster implementation of the "conda" command.
- "--name" is an option that specifies the name of the environment. "${environment_name}" is a placeholder variable for the name you want to give to the environment. You should replace "${environment_name}" with your desired name, without the "${}".
- "${python=3-10}" is another placeholder variable that represents the version of Python you want to install in the environment. In this case, it is set to "3-10", which means any version from Python 3. The "--name" option specifies that the environment name should be the same as the specified version of Python. You can modify this part to specify a specific Python version, e.g., "${python=3.8}" for Python 3.8.
- "matplotlib" is a package that you want to install in the environment. You can modify this to include other packages or specify multiple packages separated by spaces.
In summary, the command creates a new Conda environment with the specified name and installs the specified version of Python and the "matplotlib" package into it.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.