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mandb: Create entries from scratch instead of updating.
$ mandb --create
try on your machine

The command "mandb --create" is used in Linux systems to create or update the manual page index. The manual pages, also known as "man pages," provide documentation and information about various commands, programs, and system components in Linux.

The "mandb" command is responsible for creating and maintaining the manual page database. When you run "mandb --create," it generates or updates the database, allowing quick and efficient access to the manual pages.

Here's what happens when you run this command:

  1. The "mandb" utility scans the directories specified in the "MANPATH" environment variable (usually /usr/share/man) to locate and process manual page files.
  2. It reads and processes these files, extracting useful information such as commands, descriptions, usage instructions, and examples.
  3. The extracted information is then stored in a binary database format, which is optimized for quick retrieval and searching.
  4. The database is updated with the new or modified manual pages. If the manual page file has been modified, the command will overwrite the previous version in the database.
  5. Once the database is created or updated, it enables the "man" command, which is used to search, view, and read the manual pages, to access the information more efficiently.

Running "mandb --create" is often necessary after installing new software or updating the system, as it ensures that the manual page index is up to date and reflects the latest changes and additions.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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