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manpath: Show the entire global manpath.
$ manpath --global
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The manpath --global command is used to display the global manual page search path on a Unix-like system.

In Unix-like systems, manual pages (commonly referred to as man pages) provide detailed documentation and instructions for various commands and programs installed on the system. The manpath command is used to determine and display the search path where these manual pages are stored.

When the --global option is used with manpath, it specifically shows the global manual page search path. This global search path is typically defined in the system configuration files and is shared by all users on the system.

By running manpath --global, you can see the directories included in the global manual page search path. Each directory in the search path contains the manual pages corresponding to the installed software packages.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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