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mas: Search for an application, displaying the price alongside the results.
$ mas search "${application}" --price
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The command "mas search ${application} --price" is most likely a command used in the macOS command-line interface. Here's an explanation of its components:

  • "mas" refers to the Mac App Store command-line interface. It is a command-line tool in macOS that allows users to interact with the Mac App Store from the terminal.
  • "search" is a subcommand that specifies the action to be performed, which in this case is searching for an application.
  • "${application}" is a placeholder parameter that represents the name or keyword of the application you want to search for. You need to replace it with the actual application name or keyword you are looking for.
  • "--price" is an option that filters the search results based on their price. It is used to either find free applications or specify a particular price range for applications.

To use this command, open the Terminal application in macOS and execute it while replacing "${application}" with the name or keyword of the desired application. For example, to search for a free application named "exampleApp", you would run:

mas search "exampleApp" --price

The command will then list the search results for the application, filtering out any paid applications.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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