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mashtree: Most accurate method in mashtree to create a tree from fastq and/or fasta files using multiple threads, piping into a newick file.
$ mashtree --mindepth ${0} --numcpus ${12} ${*-fastq-gz} ${*-fasta} > ${mashtree-dnd}
try on your machine

The given command, "mashtree --mindepth ${0} --numcpus ${12} ${-fastq-gz} ${-fasta} > ${mashtree-dnd}", is a command-line instruction that performs a specific task using the "mashtree" utility or program.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  1. "mashtree": This is the name of the utility or program being executed. It is likely a bioinformatics tool used for phylogenetic analysis or comparing microbial genomes.

  2. "--mindepth ${0}": This is an option provided to the "mashtree" program. "--mindepth" is used to specify the minimum read depth for including a sample in the analysis. The value for this option is provided using the "${0}" variable.

  3. "--numcpus ${12}": Another option provided to the "mashtree" program. "--numcpus" allows you to specify the number of CPUs or processor cores to be used for the analysis. The value for this option is provided using the "${12}" variable.

  4. "${-fastq-gz}": Using "${-fastq-gz}", the command expects files in the current directory whose names end with "-fastq-gz" extension. This is likely the input file(s) in compressed FASTQ format containing genetic sequence data.

  5. "${*-fasta}": Similarly, this part of the command expects files in the current directory whose names end with "-fasta" extension. These are likely the input file(s) in FASTA format containing genetic sequence data.

  6. "> ${mashtree-dnd}": The ">" symbol is used for output redirection. In this case, any output generated by the "mashtree" program will be saved to a file named "mashtree-dnd". The "${mashtree-dnd}" variable holds the name of the output file.

To summarize, this command is running the "mashtree" program with some specified options (--mindepth and --numcpus) and input data files (-fastq-gz and -fasta), and redirecting the program's output to a file named "mashtree-dnd". The specific values for the options and files are expected to be provided through variables (e.g., ${0} and ${12}).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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