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matlab: Run a MATLAB script.
$ matlab -r "run(${path-to-script-m})"
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The command matlab -r "run(${path-to-script-m})" is used to run a MATLAB script from the command line.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • matlab: This is the command to start the MATLAB software.
  • -r: This flag is used to specify that a MATLAB script should be run.
  • "run(${path-to-script-m})": This is the MATLAB command that is passed as an argument to the -r flag. The command run(...) is used to execute a MATLAB script. ${path-to-script-m} is a placeholder for the actual path to the MATLAB script file (with the extension .m). The ${...} notation is commonly used in shell scripting to represent a variable.

When you run this command, MATLAB will start and execute the specified script file. The script file should be located at the path specified by ${path-to-script-m}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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