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matlab: Run without splash screen during startup.
$ matlab -nosplash
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The command "matlab -nosplash" is used to start MATLAB in a mode where the splash screen and the desktop environment are not displayed.

When you normally start MATLAB, a splash screen is shown for a brief moment while the program initializes. It usually displays the MATLAB logo and version information.

However, when you use the "matlab -nosplash" command, the splash screen is suppressed, and MATLAB starts without displaying any graphical user interface (GUI). This means that the desktop environment with menus, toolbars, and windows does not appear.

Running MATLAB in the "nosplash" mode can be useful in situations where you want to execute MATLAB scripts or functions without any distractions from the GUI. It can also be used in automation scripts, such as for executing MATLAB code from the command line without the need for manual interaction.

By default, MATLAB is started with the GUI and splash screen enabled. The "matlab -nosplash" command modifies this behavior to start MATLAB without these graphical elements.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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