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md-to-clip: Convert tldr-pages files and save into the same directories.
$ md-to-clip ${path-to-page1-md path-to-page2-md ---}
try on your machine

The command "md-to-clip" is likely a custom or specialized command used on a computer system. It is used to convert Markdown files to the clipboard.

The "${path-to-page1-md path-to-page2-md ---}" part is indicating the input for the command. It expects the paths to one or more Markdown files, separated by spaces. The paths should be provided after the command "md-to-clip" and before the "---" delimiter.

For example, if you have two Markdown files named "" and "" located at different paths, you would run the command like this:

md-to-clip /path/to/ /path/to/ ---

This will convert the contents of the Markdown files to a format compatible with the clipboard, which allows you to paste it elsewhere for further use or manipulation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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