mdutil: Show the indexing status of the startup volume.
$ mdutil -s ${-}
try on your machine
The command "mdutil -s ${-}" is used to check the indexing status of Spotlight on your macOS system.
Here's what each component of the command does:
- "mdutil" stands for "metadata utility" and is the command-line tool for managing the Spotlight indexing service on macOS.
- "-s" is the option used with "mdutil" to check the indexing status of Spotlight.
- "${-}" refers to the current set of options or flags that are active in the current shell session. This is known as the "shell options" variable.
When you run this command, it will display the indexing status of Spotlight on your system. The output can be "Indexing enabled.", "Indexing disabled.", or "Indexing unknown." This information helps you determine if Spotlight is currently indexing your files and directories or not.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.