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measure-object: Count the files and folders in a directory.
$ Get-ChildItem | Measure-Object
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The command "Get-ChildItem | Measure-Object" is a PowerShell command that retrieves a list of files or items in a specific directory, and then calculates various statistical measurements for those items.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "Get-ChildItem" is a cmdlet/commandlet in PowerShell that is used to fetch a list of files, folders, or items within a specified directory.
  • The vertical bar symbol "|" is called the pipeline operator, which allows the output of one command to be used as input for another command.
  • "Measure-Object" is another cmdlet in PowerShell that is used to calculate various measurements or statistics for objects passed to it through the pipeline.

By combining these two commands with the pipeline operator, the command "Get-ChildItem | Measure-Object" fetches a list of files or items in a directory and then calculates measurements on those items. The specific measurements calculated by "Measure-Object" include:

  • Count: The total number of items in the directory.
  • Sum: The sum of a particular property of the items, such as their file sizes.
  • Average: The average value of that property.
  • Minimum: The minimum value of that property.
  • Maximum: The maximum value of that property.

These statistical measurements can provide useful information about the items in a directory, aiding in administrative tasks or data analysis.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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