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mesg: Disable receiving messages from the write command.
$ mesg n
try on your machine

The command "mesg n" is used to deny or disable the ability of other users to send you messages or interact with your terminal session. The "mesg" command stands for "message," and "n" is an argument or option that specifies the denial or disablement of messaging.

When you run "mesg n," it sets the permission on the terminal device to not allow others to send messages to you. This means that other users cannot send you text-based messages or use commands like "write" or "talk" to communicate with you.

This command is commonly used to prevent unwanted interruptions or distractions when you are working on something important and do not wish to be disturbed by incoming messages. It maintains your privacy and control over your terminal session.

To reverse or enable messaging again, you can use the "mesg y" command, where "y" allows others to send you messages.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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