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meshlabserver: Convert a WRL file to a OFF file, including the vertex and face normals in the output mesh.
$ meshlabserver -i ${input-wrl} -o ${output-off} -om vn fn
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The given command is using the MeshLabServer software to perform a specific task. Here is the breakdown of each component:

  • meshlabserver: This is the command to run the MeshLabServer program.

  • -i ${input-wrl}: This option specifies the input file to be processed by MeshLabServer. ${input-wrl} is a placeholder that likely represents a variable or a file name. In this case, it is assumed that the input file has a WRL (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) format.

  • -o ${output-off}: This option indicates the output file name or path after the processing is complete. ${output-off} is another placeholder representing the output file. The format or extension of the output file is not clear from this command.

  • -om vn fn: This option specifies the desired output file format. In this case, vn stands for vertex normal and fn stands for face normal. These options suggest that the output file will include additional information related to the normals of the vertices and faces in the mesh.

Overall, this command is instructing MeshLabServer to take an input WRL file, process it, and save the result (with vertex and face normals) to an output file. The precise details of what processing and transformations are being applied are not evident from this command alone.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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