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meshlabserver: Process a 3D file using a filter script created in the MeshLab GUI (Filters > Show current filter script > Save Script).
$ meshlabserver -i ${input-ply} -o ${output-ply} -s ${filter_script-mlx}
try on your machine

This command is used to run the MeshLabServer software with certain parameters and options. MeshLabServer is a command-line tool for processing 3D meshes. Let's break down the command:

  1. meshlabserver: This is the command to run the MeshLabServer software from the command line.

  2. -i ${input-ply}: This option specifies the input file for MeshLabServer. It uses a variable ${input-ply} which needs to be replaced with the actual path or file name of the input PLY file. PLY is a file format commonly used for storing 3D models.

  3. -o ${output-ply}: This option specifies the output file for MeshLabServer. It uses a variable ${output-ply} which needs to be replaced with the desired path or file name for the output PLY file.

  4. -s ${filter_script-mlx}: This option specifies a filter script to be applied to the input mesh. It uses a variable ${filter_script-mlx} which needs to be replaced with the actual path or file name of the script to be used. The script contains instructions and parameters for applying various filters or operations to the input mesh.

In summary, this command instructs MeshLabServer to open an input PLY file, apply a series of filters or operations specified in a script, and save the resulting mesh to an output PLY file. The specific input file, script, and output file paths or names need to be provided when running the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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