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meson: Show the help.
$ meson --help
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The command "meson --help" is used to display the help information and documentation for the Meson build system.

Meson is a popular open-source build system used for compiling and building software projects. It is designed to be fast, simple, and straightforward to use. The "--help" option is a common command-line option used in many programs to provide a summary of available commands and options.

When you run "meson --help" in the command line, it will display a list of available options and commands that can be used with Meson. This includes information on how to create and configure projects, specify build targets, define dependencies, and other related tasks.

The help information typically includes a brief description of each command or option, along with examples and usage guidelines. It provides developers and users with a quick reference guide to help them understand and utilize the features offered by the Meson build system.

Overall, running "meson --help" ensures that you have access to the documentation and instructions necessary to effectively use Meson for your software projects.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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