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mg: Disable `~` backup files while editing.
$ mg -n ${filename}
try on your machine

This command consists of the following components:

  • mg: This is the name of the command being executed. It is likely a text editor command or an abbreviation for a specific program.

  • -n: This is an option or flag passed to the mg command. Options modify the behavior of the command. In this case, the -n option is most likely used as a parameter to the mg command for a specific purpose, although its exact meaning depends on the specific command or program.

  • ${filename}: This is a variable passed as an argument to the mg command. The variable represents a filename, which is likely the name of a text file that you want to open or edit with the mg command.

Overall, this command seems to be executing a text editor or a program named mg with the -n option/parameter and a filename variable. However, without more context or knowledge about the specific mg command or program being used, it is difficult to provide a more detailed explanation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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