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minetestserver: Start the server.
$ minetestserver
try on your machine

The command "minetestserver" refers to the executable file that launches the Minetest server. Minetest is an open-source multiplayer sandbox game that allows players to construct and explore virtual worlds.

When you run the "minetestserver" command, it initiates the server software, which provides the infrastructure for multiple players to connect and interact within the same shared environment. The server manages the game mechanics, world generation, player interactions, and communication between all connected clients.

Running the "minetestserver" command typically starts the server process with default settings. However, you can also pass arguments or modify configuration files to customize various aspects of the server, such as enabling mods, adjusting gameplay settings, or specifying the server's network parameters.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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