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minetestserver: Start an interactive terminal after starting the server.
$ minetestserver --terminal
try on your machine

The command "minetestserver --terminal" is used to start the Minetest server in terminal mode.

Minetest is an open-source game that is similar to Minecraft and allows players to create and explore virtual worlds. The server version of Minetest allows multiple players to join and interact within the same world.

By running the "minetestserver" command in terminal mode, the server is started without any graphical user interface (GUI). This means that the server can be controlled and managed solely through the command line interface.

The "--terminal" flag specifies that the server should be run in terminal mode. Without this flag, the server would start with a GUI, which is more suitable for local gameplay rather than running a server.

Running the Minetest server in terminal mode allows for more flexibility and control over server settings, configurations, and monitoring. It is particularly useful for running headless servers or servers without a dedicated graphical interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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