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mitmweb: Start `mitmweb` using a script to process traffic.
$ mitmweb --scripts ${path-to-script-py}
try on your machine

The command mitmweb --scripts ${path-to-script-py} is used to launch the mitmweb tool with a custom script. Here's an explanation of each part:

  • mitmweb: This is the command to run the mitmweb tool, which stands for "Man-in-the-Middle Web." It is a command-line interface for a web-based tool that allows for intercepting and analyzing network traffic.

  • --scripts: This option is used to specify a custom script file to be executed by mitmweb. The script can include Python code that extends the functionality of mitmweb or performs additional actions on intercepted network requests and responses.

  • ${path-to-script-py}: This variable represents the path to the Python script file that you want to execute. You need to replace it with the actual path to your script file, including the file extension .py.

By running this command and providing the path to your script, mitmweb will launch with the specified script loaded and active. The script can then manipulate, analyze, or extract information from the intercepted network traffic according to your requirements.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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