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mixxx: Debug a malfunction.
$ mixxx --debugAssertBreak --developer --loglevel trace
try on your machine

The provided command is a command-line instruction for running the "mixxx" software application with specific options and settings. Let's break down the different parts of the command:

  1. mixxx: This is the actual executable program being run. It refers to the "mixxx" software, which is a free and open-source DJ mixing software.

  2. --debugAssertBreak: This option enables the program to break (halt execution) when a debugging assertion (internal check for a logical condition) fails. It allows developers to investigate issues causing the assertion to fail.

  3. --developer: This option puts the program into a developer mode. It provides additional features, tools, and configurations that are useful for software developers who are working on the "mixxx" program.

  4. --loglevel trace: This option sets the logging level to "trace". Logging in software refers to the process of recording events, messages, or errors during program execution for analysis or debugging purposes. By setting the log level to "trace", it means that the program will log very detailed information, including every step and action taken during its execution.

The command as a whole instructs the program to start with debug assertion breaks, enable developer-specific features, and log all program activity at a very detailed trace level. This combination of options is useful for developers who are actively working on the "mixxx" software, as it provides more information and tools for debugging and investigating issues.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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