List of commands for mkdir:
mkdir:ai:1ae54 Create a mount point (a new directory) /opt/downloads for the new partition.$ mkdir /opt/downloadstry on your machineexplain this command
mkdir:ai:2d92f Mar 05 11:58:24 BZV-OTRS-01-TM systemd[1]: Starting Elasticsearch... Mar 05 11:58:27 BZV-OTRS-01-TM systemd-entrypoint[1203]: WARNING: java.io.tmpdir directory does not exist Mar 05 11:58:28 BZV-OTRS-01-TM systemd-entrypoint[1203]: ERROR: Temporary directory [/app/elasticsearch/tmp] does not exist or is not accessible Mar 05 11:58:29 BZV-OTRS-01-TM systemd[1]: elasticsearch.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=78/CONFIG Mar 05 11:58:29 BZV-OTRS-01-TM systemd[1]: elasticsearch.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Mar 05 11:58:29 BZV-OTRS-01-TM systemd[1]: Failed to start Elasticsearch.$ mkdir /app/elasticsearch/tmptry on your machineexplain this command
mkdir:ai:2f527 Creates a new directory named images for storing images related to the project$ mkdir imagestry on your machineexplain this command
mkdir:ai:788fc Vytvorte pre používateľov martin , milan a roman spoločný adresár v adresári FINAL s názvom spolocny_adresar *Pri vytváraní nepoužite pred príkazom sudo Adresár s názvom spolocny_adresar musí spĺňať nasledujúce požiadavky : a) Používateľ a skupina, ktorá vlastní adresár (user owner, group owner) má mať nastavené povolenia rwx a ostatní (others) žiadne b) Požívatelia martin, milan a roman sa vedeli dostať do tohto adresára a vytvárať tam súbory . c) Súbory vytvorené v tomto adresári si môžu používatelia navzájom prepisovať. d) Odstrániť súbory v tomto adresári môže iba užívateľ, ktorý ich sám vytvoril. Zobrazte si povolenia pre adresár a výstup presmerujte do súboru s názvom uloha8$ mkdir FINAL/spolocny_adresar && chmod 770 FINAL/spolocny_adresar && chown :martin FINAL/spolocny_adresar && setfacl -m u:milan:rwx FINAL/spolocny_adresar && setfacl -m u:roman:rwx FINAL/spolocny_adresartry on your machineexplain this command
mkdir:ai:846e2 Create a common directory for the users martin, milan and roman in the FINAL directory named spolocny_adresar *When creating, do not use sudo before the command. The directory named spolocny_adresar must meet the following requirements: a) The user and the group that owns the directory (user owner, group owner) must have rwx permissions set and the others (others) none b) Users martin, milan and roman knew how to get into this directory and create files there. c) Files created in this directory can be overwritten by users. d) Only the user who created them can delete files in this directory. View the permissions for the directory and redirect the output to a file called task8$ mkdir -m 770 FINAL/spolocny_adresar && chown martin:martin FINAL/spolocny_adresar && chmod +t FINAL/spolocny_adresartry on your machineexplain this command
mkdir:ai:aa286 Creates a new folder named 'saurabh'$ mkdir saurabhtry on your machineexplain this command
mkdir:ai:d8ce0 create multiple folders at once named like "Season 1", "Season 2" etc$ mkdir Season{1..10}try on your machineexplain this command
mkdir:ai:ee4a6 Create a mount point (directory) for the logical volume: /opt/prod.$ mkdir /opt/prodtry on your machineexplain this command
mkdir:tldr:b3874 mkdir: Create directories with specific permissions.$ mkdir -m ${rwxrw-r--} ${path-to-directory1 path-to-directory2 ---}try on your machineexplain this command