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mkfs.fat: Create a fat filesystem inside partition 1 on device b (`sdb1`).
$ mkfs.fat ${-dev-sdb1}
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The command "mkfs.fat ${-dev-sdb1}" is used to create a FAT file system on the device /dev/sdb1.

Let's break down the command:

  • "mkfs.fat": This is the command to create a FAT file system. It is often used on Linux systems.

  • "${-dev-sdb1}": This is the parameter passed to the command. In this case, it specifies the device or partition on which the FAT file system should be created. /dev/sdb1 represents a specific partition on a storage device, which might be a USB drive, an external hard drive, or any other type of storage device.

By running this command, a FAT file system will be created on the specified device or partition, allowing it to be used for storing files and data compatible with the FAT file system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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