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mkfs: Build a filesystem of a specified type and check for bad blocks.
$ mkfs -c -t ${ntfs} ${path-to-partition}
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The command "mkfs" is used to create a new file system on a partition. Here's a breakdown of the command you provided:

  • "mkfs": This is the command to make a file system.
  • "-c": This flag stands for "check," and it is used to perform a bad blocks scan during the formatting process. It checks the hard disk for any damaged or faulty sectors and marks them as bad blocks.
  • "-t ${ntfs}": This flag specifies the type of file system to be created. In this case, it is set to "${ntfs}", which means the file system will be formatted as NTFS (New Technology File System). NTFS is a file system used by Windows.
  • "${path-to-partition}": This is the path to the partition where the new file system will be created. It is typically something like "/dev/sda1" or "/dev/nvme0n1p2", depending on the specific drive and partition you want to format.

Overall, this command formats a given partition with the NTFS file system while also performing a bad blocks scan during the process.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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