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mklink: Create a symbolic link to a file.
$ mklink ${path\to\link_file} ${path\to\source_file}
try on your machine

The command "mklink" is used in Windows operating systems to create a symbolic link or a hard link.

In the command you provided, there are two placeholders: "${path\to\link_file}" and "${path\to\source_file}". These are placeholders for the actual paths to the link file and the source file you want to link.

To use this command, you need to replace "${path\to\link_file}" with the path where you want to create the symbolic or hard link. This can be a file or a directory.

Similarly, you need to replace "${path\to\source_file}" with the path of the file or directory that you want to link to. This will be the source file or directory.

Once you have replaced the placeholders with the actual paths, you can execute the command to create the symbolic or hard link.

Note that symbolic links are essentially shortcuts to the original file or directory, while hard links are multiple references to the same file or directory, effectively behaving as if there are multiple copies of the file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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