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mksquashfs: Create or append files and directories to a squashfs filesystem (compressed using `gzip` by default).
$ mksquashfs ${filename_or_directory1 filename_or_directory2 ---} ${filesystem-squashfs}
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The command "mksquashfs" is used to create a SquashFS filesystem, which is a compressed read-only filesystem. It takes multiple options and arguments in the format:

mksquashfs ${filename_or_directory1 filename_or_directory2 ---} ${filesystem-squashfs}

  • The option "${filename_or_directory1 filename_or_directory2 ---}" specifies the list of files or directories that you want to include in the SquashFS filesystem. You can provide one or more filenames or directories separated by spaces. The '---' is called an "end of options" marker, which tells the command that there are no more options following it.

  • The argument "${filesystem-squashfs}" is the name of the output SquashFS filesystem that will be created. You can choose any valid filename for this argument.

For example, if you want to create a SquashFS filesystem named "myfilesystem.squashfs" with files "file1.txt" and "file2.txt" in it, the command would look like this:

mksquashfs file1.txt file2.txt --- myfilesystem.squashfs

This command would compress the files "file1.txt" and "file2.txt" into a single SquashFS filesystem called "myfilesystem.squashfs".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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