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mktemp: Create a temporary directory and print the absolute path to it.
$ mktemp -d
try on your machine

The command "mktemp -d" is used to create a unique temporary directory.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "mktemp" stands for "make temporary", which is a command-line utility used to create temporary files and directories.
  • "-d" is an option or flag that specifies the creation of a temporary directory.

When you execute "mktemp -d" in the terminal, it generates a new directory with a unique name, typically based on a template. This allows multiple users or processes to create temporary directories without conflicting with each other.

The temporary directory created is usually located in the default directory for temporary files, such as "/tmp" on Unix-like systems. The name of the directory will be unique, typically incorporating random alphanumeric characters to ensure its uniqueness.

The purpose of temporary directories is to provide a location for programs to store temporary or intermediary files during their execution. Once the program or user is done with the directory or its contents, they can be safely deleted to free up disk space.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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