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mmls: Display the partition table in a split EWF image.
$ mmls -i ewf ${image-e01} ${image-e02}
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The command "mmls -i ewf ${image-e01} ${image-e02}" is using the "mmls" tool to analyze and display the partition layout of two files, namely "${image-e01}" and "${image-e02}", which are in the ".e01" and ".e02" format respectively.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "mmls": This is the command itself. It is an abbreviation for "mountain Multi-Platform Analyzer" and is a tool used for working with disk images.

  • "-i ewf": This is an option flag passed to the "mmls" command. The "-i" flag indicates that we want to specify an input disk image, and "ewf" specifies the input format as "EnCase Evidence Files".

  • "${image-e01} ${image-e02}": These are the two parameters provided to the command. They represent the paths or filenames of the two disk image files you want to analyze. "${image-e01}" and "${image-e02}" are placeholders that indicate variables or actual filenames that should be substituted in place of those placeholders.

In summary, the command is using the "mmls" tool with the "-i ewf" option to analyze and display the partition layout of two disk image files (${image-e01} and ${image-e02}) in the ".e01" and ".e02" format respectively.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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